Video, as a medium, seems to make sense on the internet. Maybe its migrated here for a reason. In the gallery, I'm not so sure. I make videos all the time, even though I'm still not sure about it. I like the idea of group viewings, just being able to bear witness to something and then turning it off.
Yesterday, it was good to see a Nonna mowing the lawn in an apron. I mean, I don't think domestic labour is great, but the scene itself is one of the things that links me into living in North. I moved to Melbourne by accident, even though my Nonna lives nearby and my entire family immigrated to these suburbs 50 years ago. White people are settlers here, our job is to respect Aboriginal culture and to understand where we've come from. It might take a lifetime to do this.
For the past few weeks, every time I enter a shop or library I end up setting off the burglar alarms. Something about me is sensitised, I can't work out what it is. I was kept awake the other night by a burglar alarm directed straight into our apartment. It went on, unabated for 8 hours.